Long Beach DeVry University Reviews (cont)

Job Placement – DeVry U
My graduating class at DeVry Long Beach had a very high rate of job placement.  At the time, I believe the average salary may have been something like $28k or so (this was in 2001).  I am now earning $31 per hour at my job in aerospace (as an electronics technician).  I work with other DeVry graduates and I would guess that their pay is a little bit lower for the same pay grade and years, maybe around $27 per hour.  That’s pretty damn good for a DeVry degree.  I don’t imagine DeVry has gotten worse at job placement, on the contrary they’ve probably refined it even more now.  So, provided you enter a degree course that is promising (and you’re not a retard), you should have no problem getting a pretty decent job upon graduating from DeVry U.

Student Culture – DeVry University
If there is one big problem I have with DeVry, it is the types of students it attracts (especially in Long Beach).  The typical DeVry student is, well, a person that doesn’t want to go to a normal university.  That person is looking for the fast track to success which is all too hard to find, and they typically do not enjoy learning, reading or studying.  These are the kinds of people you find sitting next to you at DeVry.  At the Long Beach campus, it might be even worse.  There was a dirty gangster in my class named Shalabi that openly cheated during tests.  He talked back to the instructor once and was warned by the ‘dean’, yet he was allowed back in class.  This clown graduated and was hired by Boeing, only to be fired a couple weeks later for lying on his application.  In fact, I think he stole my resume off a floppy in the computer lab and used it as his own.  Go DeVry U!

Once one of my fellow students, when asked by our professor to stop eating his nachos [loudly] during class, tell the him “you just teach and do your job, I’m paying YOUR SALARY”.

It gets worse.  At DeVry Long Beach, I’d see guys walking the halls during class, the same way I used to do in high school when I was ditching.  These guys were literally ditching their classes, the same classes that cost $8100 per semester.  I once was in the computer lab helping a friend of mine (she was getting her bachelor’s degree in business information systems) and I saw two big guys looking at me funny.  After a few minutes they walked over to me and started questioning me.  Long story short, they were Long Beach police detectives investigating a guy that was selling some sort of stolen merchandise and I matched the description they were given.  After verifying through my ID that I wasn’t their man, they left me alone.  But that goes to show who your classmates will be at DeVry University Long Beach and most likely any other DeVry University locations.

Would I recommend DeVry?  Are you wondering, "Is Devry University a good choice for me?"  Well, that boils down to what your needs are.  I went to DeVry directly after exiting the military because I needed to make money and support myself quickly.  If you have the luxury of taking your time with an education, you should consider a community college or traditional university.  If, however, you have an urgent need to get into the workforce quickly, or if you find yourself in a dead-end job, then I would recommend DeVry University.  Make sure you do your research on which DeVry career fields provide the best job placement, decide which one of those interests you the most, and go for it

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