DeVry University Job Placement (Long Beach, CA)

In my experience as a Devry U graduate (Associates Degree in Electronics and Computer Technology), their job placement is fantastic. And again, please note that I am not involved with DeVry now nor do I let them off without a lot of criticism (see my post on DeVry University student culture). I am simply speaking honestly about my DeVry University experience, and with respect to job placement for Electronics Technicians, the experience was excellent.

In their last semester at DeVry, students attend a career development class which teaches them how to create a resume, perform a mock interview, stuff like that. The mock interview thing is a little lame, but the resume building aspect of the class was good and I assume this experience pertains throughout DeVry, not just the Long Beach campus.

The most important part of the DeVry career development class was, of course, the actual job search / hunt. Nina, my career advisor at DeVry University Long Beach (and who is probably no longer there), was very active in finding employment for all the students in my class. I got the feeling that she was either paid or rated by her DeVry superiors on her final job placement numbers, because while I was weighing all of my employment options, she started to become quite irritated with me since I had not yet been 'placed'. That's a little troubling to the prospective DeVry graduate since you may be pressured into taking a job that you don't really want, but let's face it, nowadays who in their right mind would turn down a job (especially an Electronics Technician job that typically pays better than the average job)?

So I eventually accepted a job as an Electronic Technician for a large aerospace / defense company. My starting pay was $15 per hour (in 2001). I'm still with the same company and am making $31 per hour now. For an associates degree from DeVry U, that's a lot of money. Since then I've gone back to the local community college in Long Beach to continue my education towards a bachelor's degree. Still, without the income generated from the job I received as a direct result of my DeVry University education, I'd be hard-pressed to find myself in the same positive economic position. Yes that's an endorsement for DeVry, but I definitely don't recommend DeVry for everyone (I'll have another post later on regarding who should attend Devry University).

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