DeVry Graduation (Long Beach CA)

My graduation from DeVry University was cheesy.  In fact, it was so cheesy that I didn't go.  The moment I was told that I would have to pay for my 'cap and gown' (for an Associate's Degree btw), I knew it was going to be lame.  The worse part came later though, when DeVry told us all that the graduation ceremony was being held off-site and we would all have to pay for parking.  Our class consisted of about 20 people, and we have to pay for parking at an off-site location?  Again, this was merely an Associate's Degree in Electronics Technology, not a Master's Degree or even a Bachelor's.  I mean what's next, charging students an internet access fee when they virtually graduate and receive an online pharmacy degree?  My tuition was already high enough, couldn't DeVry have squeezed out a few sheckels to pay for their student's parking?  In the end, I didn't attend my big DeVry University graduation ceremony, opting instead to use that time looking for technician jobs through DeVry's Career Services Department.

Making students pay for a cap and gown in order to receive their Associate's Degree from DeVry University?  Come on guys, you can do better than that.


Anonymous said...

Wow what an ignorant person lol you obviously know nothing about college. Even high school grads buy the cap and gown yes! high school omg! Ive been to a graduation ceremony at LA community college UCSB UNLV and DEVRY and there wasnt much difference between either. And how was it cheesy if you didn't go??

Anonymous said...

The difference between High School and DeVry is that DeVry is for-profit. Part of the 'tuition' payment should include a cap and gown, and lame-ass parking fees for 'graduation'.

Apparently, DeVry has no problem milking students/customers for every dime they can get in order to reap larger profits and deliver to shareholders.